My Personal Playlist

Destiny Item Manager (DIM) is my favorite Destiny Tool and I have used it since D1. I simply cannot recommend it highly enough. Inventory control, builds, records, vendors, etc. Everything you need while you’re playing is here.

The ultimate God Roll creation site, Light.GG has every item in the game, every possible roll, perk and barrel. Where to farm it and whether it is worth farming, all in one database.
Niris puts out a weekly reset cheat sheet, as well as Trials and Xur’s Inventory. They link smoothly to Discord as well.
Additional Resources

Brayetch is a fantastic resource for Collections, Triumphs and all-purpose stats for both you and your clan. Checklists, Quests, After-Action Reports, Maps, a plethora of resources. One of the best is a complete lists of collectibles, whether you have them and interactive maps that will tell you where to collect them if you don’t.